Shabbat Shalom
January 27
11 Shevat

Torah Readings
Parashat Beshalach

Annual: Exod. 13:17-17:16
Haftarah: Judges 4:4-5:31

Candle Lighting
Friday, January 26 – 4:26 pm

Saturday, January 27 – 5:28 pm

Shabbat Services at 9:45 this weekend.

This Weekend

Temple Beth El Welcomes Cantor Bex for a weekend filled with song, a Tu B’Shvat celebration, and a thoughtful exploration of what Tikkun Olam means to us.

Let 2018 be a year to practice Tikkun Olam by enriching your relationships with:

Friday – People
· 5:30pm: Kabbalat Shabbat Services led by Cantor Bex
· 6:30pm: Kiddush and Refreshments
· 6:50pm: Special Guest Claudette Ndayininahaze, Cultural Broker at the Opportunity Alliance, will speak about her transformative work supporting new Mainers in Portland
Saturday – The Divine
· 9:30am: Shabbat Services led by Cantor Bex
· 12:15pm: Kiddush lunch
· 12:45pm: Limmud with Cantor Bex – Repair the World, Beginning with You
Sunday – Nature
· 4:00pm: Tu b’Shvat Seder led by Cantor Bex featuring all Maine grown foods
RSVP required FOR SEDER ONLY by January 22
$18 per person / $54 family maximum – Seats limited
Contact TBE today to reserve your seat!

TBE Pop-up Challah Shop!

Order yours today, pick it up on Friday!

$3.00 Small – $5.00 Large
$5.00 Six (6) Rolls
Order Now!




Sponsor a Kiddush!

Temple Beth El and Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh are partnering to offer Kiddush refreshments on Shabbat and holidays. Sharing a Friday night or Shabbat service and Kiddush is a wonderful opportunity to support our congregations, build community, share in the simcha of a birthday, anniversary or graduation, and offer comfort to those observing a yahrzeit.
Please note, due to the increased cost of lox, premium level Kiddush sponsorships now cost $200.

Click here for more info

Sunday Simcha!

Sunday Mornings – 6:30 to 8:30 am
We welcome new hosts: Hillel, Marshall Tinkle, Emily Epstein, Natan Kahn.

Sunday Simcha is the only Jewish music program in Maine and northern New England and one of only a handful of Jewish music radio shows in the United States. Shows are wildly eclectic- one of the few Jewish shows to feature modern, diverse, and cutting-edge recordings in addition to traditional music.

Sunday Simcha features:
An eclectic blend of Jewish music from across the diaspora, including klezmer, Sephardic, Ladino, traditional, sacred, folk, rock, classical, kids’ music, and jazz – Live interviews – News and announcements for the Southern Maine Jewish community – Occasional Jewish humor.

Jacob Cousins Memorial

Unveiled in September 1935, the Jacob Cousins Memorial was part of an ongoing nationwide effort to highlight both the patriotism of Jewish Americans and their contribution during times of conflict. The memorial is a key artifact in the history of the Jewish community in southern Maine linking past to present and inspiring visitors to remember, respect and contemplate the cost of war.

In its current state the memorial is difficult to view and appreciate as it faces directly onto Eastern promenade Drive. Friends of the Eastern promenade is raising funds to redesign this historic landmark.

To donate to this important cause click here.

Dear Shaarey Tphiloh Community,

We need your help!

Every Saturday morning we say a prayer for Refuah Shleimah for members of our congregation and their loved ones who are in need of healing. We would like to include the names of all those in our community who would benefit from our thoughts and prayers so we encourage you to communicate with us. Please, let us know if there is anyone whose name you would like included in our service and announcements and keep us updated through their recovery.

Shabbat Shalom,
Daniel Heinrich
Administrative Assistant

Family Services

TBE’s Family Committee Presents:
Monthly Family
Kabbalat Shabbat Services!

Starting February 2, TBE will hold a Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat Service on the first Friday of every month for families and young children (ages 6 and under).

Starting at 5:30 pm, Kosher PB&J sandwiches on fresh Challah will be available (with allergy alternatives upon request in advance).

The children’s service will begin at 6:00 pm led by our own Debbie Kanter and last about 30 minutes. Parents with children under age 3 are encouraged to stay with their children during the service.

Everyone is invited to stay after services for Kiddush and more snacks!

Kadima Beth El

MAZEL TOV to Education Director Abby Halpern and her family, Jeff, Rafi and Ezra, as she begins her maternity leave this week to welcome their third child. We wish her and the entire Halpern Family all the happiness and health in the world.

Classes will continue as usual in the hands of our dedicated and capable teachers. Rabbi Braun will teach her 6th grade class and will continue with the 7th grade class that they co-teach. On Wednesdays, Olivia Solodar, Michal Frank, and Ariel Bernstein are scheduled to sub. Thank you to all our current or past KBE teachers who have been happy to step in and help us out with coverage.

You can continue to expect weekly emails, sent by Daniel Heinrich in the front office.

While I am on leave, if you have questions or concerns, or would like to report your child’s absence, please email Daniel Heinrich at and copy Lisa Berman at I have made every effort to keep the school calendar up to date, which you can access at this link (or from the synagogue website).

For financial questions, please email Sherri Quint at For general inquiries, please call the office at 774-2679 or email

400 Deering Calendar

Yoga Minyan
Sundays at 9:30
Extended indefinitely
$54 non-member rate * $36 member rate * $10/session drop-in rate
TBE’s new yoga minyan will offer a moment of peace meant to nurture your heart, soul, and body through a centering, grounding yoga practice. The class will open with some words of Jewish philosophy, followed by stretching, gentle movement, and breathing. Please bring comfortable clothes and a yoga mat. Open to all, no prior experience necessary.

Spirits and Spirits
Thursday: Feb. 8 5:30 pm
We start as dust and end as dust, in between let’s have a drink.
-Yiddish Proverb.
December 14th, Rabbi Braun will again be at Maine Craft Distilling (123 Washington Ave, Portland) for a casual evening of libation and conversations about life. People of all faiths and curiosities are welcome to join. No RSVP required. Ages 21+

Modern Hebrew Chavura
Sundays at 10:30 am
TBE is partnering with the National Jewish Outreach Program to bring you a 6 week session of group Hebrew Language learning with text books, media and games to support a learning environment for Hebrew speakers and non-Hebrew speakers of all skill levels!

Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group
Wednesdays: Feb. 21, Mar. 14, Apr. 11, May 16, Jun. 13 – 6:30-8:00 pm
$10/session drop-in rate
As we seek to make old traditions new, TBE is creating a Rosh Chodesh group for women. Together, as a collaborative effort, we will explore our tradition and our identities as women. No experience is necessary, all are welcome.

Cooking Classes

Falafel B’Pita Workshop
Sunday, February 11, 2018 – 10:30 am
Register by February 4
$5 for members/$8 for non-members
Join Daniel as he walks you through making fluffy Israeli-style pita, crispy falafel, Israeli salad and Tahini. Perfect for cooks of all ages and skill level; parental supervision required for children under the age of 13.

Includes: 1 Sandwich and extra falafel mixture to take home.

Challah Workshop
Sunday, February 4, 2018 – 10:30 am
Register by January 29
$5 for members/$8 for non-members
Join Daniel and learn the secrets behind the Pop-Up Challah Shop Challah. Perfect for bakers of all ages and skill levels; parental supervision required for children under the age of 13.

Participants will leave with an understanding how to mix, braid, and bake challah, as well as a sample of dough to take home and practice their skills!

Todah Rabah

Todah Rabah to Adeline Glovsky Hale for sponsoring this weekend’s Kiddush in memory of her son, Jeffrey Hale and grandmother, Molly Seigal.


11 Shevat
Max Levine
Vigdor Lustig
Aaron Matluck
Irving Pinansky
Jesse Rosenberg

12 Shevat
Sarah Comeras
Joseph Golding
Harris Jacobs
Arthur Nemon
Marcia Rosenbloom

13 Shevat
Ida Bartfield
Fannie Cinamon
Miriam Nemon
Joseph Oransky
William Punsky
Bessie Schriro
Thomas Shapiro
Miriam Smith

14 Shevat
Jennie Polakewich
Perle Pollack
Samuel Shible

15 Shevat
Ernest Baker
Anne Levine
Joseph Mack
Jeffrey Hale

16 Shevat
Shirley Morris
Molley Seigal
Annie Silverman
Alice Slosberg

17 Shevat
Israel Cinamon
Alice Cohen
Sarah Zeitman

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